Interior Painting
Interior painting would consist of ceilings, crown moulding, walls, Wayne's coat, baseboards, doors, windows, kitchen cabinets, and bathroom cabinets. Below is a Detailed Breakdown for a common interior paint job.
Painting the interior of your home is a good way to change the entire feeling of your living space. If you are unhappy with your current colors and want to be excited inside your home, or when you invite guests over, give us a call today.
Interior painting should be done every five to ten years. Updating colors and getting rid of marks on the walls, base, and ceilings are an important way to keep your home looking clean.
Does your interior have any of the issues in the Why section? Give us a call today!
Tyler Stevens
Detailed Breakdown of Interior Paint Job
Moving the Furniture
We make sure to protect your furniture, art, and hanging picture frames. They are moved to the center of each room so that we can mask them all together. This protects them so that everything stays spotless from paint.
To ensure the painting project is kept clean we will mask everything. We will use plastic, paper, and painters tape. This is usually done at the beginning of the project.
Holes, Cracks, Texture Repair
The surfaces of your home should be uniform and look like new after a paint job. We will walk around and fill holes in the drywall. We will caulk any cracks in the drywall or on the baseboards. Any texture that doesn’t match or is damaged we can fix.
Primer is crucial to protect most surfaces. It also sets up the perfect surface to adhere to for painting. This should always be done over patched areas or new surfaces.
Ceilings, Walls, Base
We spray your ceilings and base with two coats. We then roll out the walls by hand to ensure the lines are cut-in straight. The finishes and colors are your choice.
Clean Up
After the painting is finished we start to clear up the masking. We put everything into trash bags and haul the trash away for you. Once the clean up is done you will be able to tell how beautiful your home has become.
Touch Up
Touchup is done for free after a project. If there is a mark or a scratch or a drip on the home we will ensure its fixed before we leave.
Final Words
When the above steps are taken we have a two year limited warranty on our work.